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Energy Solutions for All

Powering Your World with Automotive Batteries, Solar Energy, Energy Storage, and Water Heating Solutions.

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Automotive Batteries

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Energy Storage

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Solar Energy

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Water Heating

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Automotive Batteries

Unlock the power of solar: save on costs, champion green energy, boost your property value, and enjoy consistent, reliable power. Step into a brighter, eco-friendly future.


Why Go Solar?

Solar Panels

Solar Energy Solutions

Our range encompasses grid-tie and off-grid systems, designed to capture and optimize solar energy. These solutions empower homes and businesses to harness the sun's power, ensuring a dependable and environmentally-friendly energy source.

Energy Storage

Energy Storage Solutions

Our advanced devices are meticulously engineered to transform solar energy into usable electricity. With reliability at its core, our energy storage solutions ensure that homes and businesses are able to run smoothly.

Water Heating solutions

Water Heating Solutions

Our water heaters provide a consistent supply of hot water for homes and businesses, reducing energy consumption and promoting a sustainable way of living.

3 Billion

Financial value of our solar installations

30K Tons

Reduction in carbon emissions to date


Grid tie and off grid solar installations

600K litres

Solar water heating installations

We're only as good as our customers say we are

Customer Testimonials

Our Impact

Making a positive difference in society underpins our business philosophy. Our Lighting Hearts Initiative drives our commitment to community upliftment.

CSR Activities: Lighting Hearts Initiative

Our Lighting Hearts Initiative drives our commitment to community upliftment. Beyond business, we invest in projects that directly benefit society and enhance overall well-being.

CSR initiative for City Eye Hospital

The Chloride Exide Group has partnered with City Eye Hospital to grow its community outreach programme which provides quality, safe, accessible and affordable eye care to economically disadvantaged patients in East Africa. 

CSR Initiative for Nairobi Hospice

Chloride Exide, together with Megasun, contributed to Nairobi Hospice by installing a 900-litre solar water heating system. This supports the hospice's newly established cancer unit, serving daily patient needs.

  • What solutions does Chloride Exide provide?
    Chloride Exide is an energy solutions provider that provides: automotive batteries; and through Chloride Solar it provides energy storage solutions; solar energy solutions and water heating solutions.
  • How can I purchase Chloride Exide batteries?
    You can: a) Shop from our e-commerce platform on the website accessible here b) Dial-a-Battery for free delivery and installation of the battery by calling or sending a WhatsApp message to 0719-080 000 c) visit any of our 17 branches countrywide d) buy from our authorized dealers and distributors countrywide
  • What automotive battery brands do you stock?
    a) Powerlast which is our flagship battery brand. It is maintenance-free with a lower self-discharge rate guaranteeing longevity. b) Maxx MF which is designed for public service vehicles. It is engineered to provide enhanced performance, longer battery life and to power the auxiliary demands of the PSVs. c) Ultrapower Premium is a premium battery designed to deliver enhanced performance for the modern vehicle’s high power needs in a more compact size that fits perfectly in the vehicle’s battery compartment. More power in a compact size. d) Ultrapower EFB is a premium battery designed for vehicles with start-stop technology. Gives more starts and lasts longer than your regular battery. e) Ultrapower AGM is a premium battery that is designed with absorbed glass mat technology and is best suited to meet the demands of higher specification vehicles with the start-stop; regenerative braking and passive boost technologies. Superior to EFB in terms of performance and durability f) Atlas is a premium battery brand designed to provide superior performance for cars with high power needs. Targeted for German cars (VW, BMW, Mercedes)
  • Why should I install a solar energy system for my business?
    Installing a solar energy system will: a) Lower your business’ electricity costs and protect your business against the impact of rising electricity costs in the future. Futureproof your business against rising electricity costs (financial benefits); and b) Reduce your business's carbon footprint (environmental benefits)
  • What are my solar financing options are available to me?
    a) Cash purchase b) Power purchase agreement c) Lease agreement
  • Why adopt solar now? Won’t the technology be cheaper down the road?
    Solar energy prices have remained relatively stable in recent years. With increasing electricity costs, the question becomes how much money your company stands to lose while waiting for improvements in solar energy pricing and efficiency. Additionally, Solar panel performance is now so efficient that future improvements will likely be more incremental.
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